giovedì, 19 novembre 2009

A brand is just like a person.

Most brands behave like a very boring person.

They only talk about themselves, not once,

but every time we see them.

After a while,

we don't want to talk to this person anymore.

Cause we know their story.

We know their message.

We know how good they are.

We switch off. Thanks very much.

Have a nice day.

We start to look for other people

who will tell us something new.

A person who is also interested

in what we say and think.

A person who has a personality.

A person who responds to emotions,

thoughts and ideas.

This is the beginning of a relationship.

This is where a brand like do comes in.

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I like more...

I LIKE MORE yes than no, mac than pc, apple than papaya, handwriting letter than mail, crazy people than boring guys, autumn than summer, vespa than harley, truth than lies (ok, sometimes maybe not), red than green, helvetica than arial, saturday morning than sunday morning, dogs than cats, david lynch than george lucas, chocolate cake than chocolate pudding, thunderstorms than normal rainy weather, redwine than whitewine, tina turner than all-other-girly-shit-singers, peperoncini than salt, be happy...

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