domenica, 6 aprile 2008

"Do the Right Thing"
is a 1989 film produced, written, and directed by Spike Lee. The films tells a tale of racial conflict in a multi-ethnic community in Brooklyn, on the hottest day of the year.

For many viewers, one of many questions at the end of the film is whether Mookie does the right thing when he throws the garbage can through the window, thus inciting the riot that destroys Sal's pizzeria. The question is directly raised by the contradictory quotations that end the film, one advocating non-violence, the other advocating violent self-defense in response to oppression. However, Lee himself has stated that only white viewers ask this question. He believes the key point is that Mookie was angry at the death of Radio Raheem, and that viewers who question the riot's justification are implicitly valuing white property over the life of black man.

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