domenica, 5 giugno 2011

Les Dark Dark Dark.
Un groupe à géométrie variable.
Peu causant.
Timides ou distants.
On ne sait pas très bien.

Tell me what you celebrate
It isn’t hard to do
Do you love me?
Do you love that paint?
Exposing the brick
They’re crumbling a bit
Do you love the bees
Fly over our heads
Race into the woods
Make honey so sweet

Do you love me
Do you love the breeze
When you stand on the deck
Of a boat on the sea
Or when it comes through
An open window
Of a high ceiling room
On the eleventh floor

Do you love stories
Of that stream you found
You followed the path
Burns under your feet
The trees they parted
And you stumbled upon
The coolest trail
Your skin heads north

And tell me what you celebrate
It isn’t hard to do
Do you love me
A walk on the street
Oh lavender
The scent fills the air
Oh remember
The hand sewn quilt
We laid on it there
We laid on it there

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