lunedì, 21 dicembre 2009

Paul Valéry

Velimir Chlebnikov

Torquato Tasso

Mark Twain

Philippe Sollers

Man Ray

Marcel Duchamp

Leonard Cohen

Jules Laforgue

Juan de la Cruz

John Cage

Joe Bousquet

Jan Potocki

Gastone Monari

Gabriele D'Annunzio

Franz Kafka

Francesco Petrarca

Erik Satie

Carmelo Bene

Aleksandr Puskin

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

You are wonderfull! Hope to see you soon.
Big kiss.

I like more...

I LIKE MORE yes than no, mac than pc, apple than papaya, handwriting letter than mail, crazy people than boring guys, autumn than summer, vespa than harley, truth than lies (ok, sometimes maybe not), red than green, helvetica than arial, saturday morning than sunday morning, dogs than cats, david lynch than george lucas, chocolate cake than chocolate pudding, thunderstorms than normal rainy weather, redwine than whitewine, tina turner than all-other-girly-shit-singers, peperoncini than salt, be happy...

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