mercoledì, 4 novembre 2009

the wonderful work of cristiana couceiro
Beautiful collage work from Lisbon based designer Cristiana Couceiro.  As Steve Mehallo puts it, “When one thinks of collage, it’s usually something  . . .  scrapbooky. Not always the case.”

In a recent issue of Moloko, she talked about gathering source material. “On Saturdays I like to go through the flea market collecting memories. Feira da Ladra as we call it here in Lisbon. That means Thief Fair, which is funny collecting other people’s memory to build a new one”. Her source material comes from a variety of modern sources including: record covers, Canadian logos, 1960s paperback books, Latvian magazines, Swiss posters, as well as work from the Bauhaus.

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I like more...

I LIKE MORE yes than no, mac than pc, apple than papaya, handwriting letter than mail, crazy people than boring guys, autumn than summer, vespa than harley, truth than lies (ok, sometimes maybe not), red than green, helvetica than arial, saturday morning than sunday morning, dogs than cats, david lynch than george lucas, chocolate cake than chocolate pudding, thunderstorms than normal rainy weather, redwine than whitewine, tina turner than all-other-girly-shit-singers, peperoncini than salt, be happy...

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