friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors.
...so, "do you accept me as a friend" does not exist.
2 commenti:
So I can define you with certainty "friend", rather than accept you as one:-)
I really hope you soon can move to our town, i began to miss it going out sometimes, have some drinks, talk, laugh and argue...and i still need some chapters in my book about you.haha!
have a nice sunday.
now some pubb:
(almost finished my page)
schatz, du solltest erst werbung für deine website machen, wenn sie wirklich besuchbar ist. bin gespannt, ob das regenbogendesign immer noch so trash-kitschig ist ;-) nein, natürlich freue ich mich einfach so auf deine seite. wegen deinen super arbeiten.
danke für deinen kommentar. bin froh, dass ich dich als freund habe und du meine message gut interpretiert hast. merci.
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